
Tools & Platforms we use and love. Many of the resources on this page we use personally and everything on this page is something we would recommend to our close friends and family, independent of any promotions we may receive from the site. As an additional incentive, if available, the links below are affiliate links and we’ll both win by you signing up with the link.This page will continuously be updated to show the best tools we have tried.

Disclosure: Investing is risky and should be based on your individual needs. The information contained on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional financial, legal or tax advice. Please ensure you consult a professional before acting on any information you find here.

Net Worth

Personal Capital

If your investments are held across a number of different platforms/locations it’s nice to aggregate them to see a bird’s eye view of how your overall allocation looks.

Personal Capital has a really powerful free tool that helps a lot, peering into your investments and really analyzing what you’re invested in.

Personal Capital is simple and free to use. Spend a few minutes and link all your bank accounts, your investments, and even investments like cryptocurrency and your house and Personal Capital will do the rest.

Try Personal Capital
Cash Flow


Mint is a classic for budgeting and tracking your spending. It’s very simple to help track expenses and allows you to easily see where you’re overspending.

Try Mint
Traditional Public Market Tool


We’ve used Fidelity for a very long time now. It's well-known and easy to use to manage our discretionary equity investments. At $4.95 a trade, their rates are competitive.

Try Fidelity
Traditional Public Market Tool


An increasing amount of our public equity investments are held with Wealthfront. Robo-advisors have transformed the investing industry and Wealthfront is one of the best out there.

Wealthfront is a robo-advisor that automatically allocates deposits to baskets of equities and bonds (ETFs), based on your risk preferences (more risky = more equities).

They have great features like auto-rebalancing and tax-loss harvesting, all at a VERY LOW fee of 0.25%. Yes, you’re paying fees for all of these services, but the incremental gains (after fees) are still very worth it.

Use the link below to get your first $15,000 managed for free.

Try Wealthfront
Real Estate Crowd Funding


Fundrise offers Crowdfunding investments in Real Estate. Privately traded, low liquidity. Potentially much lower correlation with markets and other assets.

Fundrise recently revealed stats on how its REITs have performed. In fiscal 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, they returned 12.25%, 12.42%, 8.76% and 11.44%, respectively, on an average annualized basis.

Obviously, keep in mind that previous performance does not indicate future results and these are before individual taxes.

Use the link below to get 90 days of FREE advisory.

Try Fundrise
Alternative Asset - Private Equity

Misc Marketplaces

Investing in private businesses typically comes from a number of different sources: introductions to VCs, meeting business owners, online marketplaces, etc.

There are many online marketplaces where potential business buyers can browse for their next deal. Keep in mind, that like commercial real estate, business marketplaces should be used to find brokers, not necessarily deals. Often, the deals that make it to the marketplaces are the ones that sophisticated buyers have already passed on.

These sites offer you (or your syndicate) full ownership of existing businesses. Think of it as mini-PE investing.

Try Empire Flippers
Try Flippa
Try BizBuySell
Try BizQuest
Alternative Asset - Cryptocurrencies


Cryptocurrency exposure is uncorrelated with many other assets. We’re fundamentally bullish on crypto as an asset class and use Coinbase for buying and selling this asset. It is very easy to use and is arguably the most secure and well-capitalized method to purchase crypto.

Use the link below to get $10 of free Bitcoin when you buy or sell at least $100 of cryptocurrency.

Try Coinbase
Alternative Asset - Cryptocurrencies


Using BlockFi, you are able to deposit your crypto and earn a little return.

There are a number of risks that come along with doing this, more can be found in our Review of BlockFi.

Try BlockFi